Parish Pastoral Council

Once again it is time to nominate members of the Parish for election to the Parish Council. Currently serving on the Council are Olga Everson (Parish Finance Council), Gary Byrnes (Knights of Columbus), Noreen Brasier (Catholic Women’s League), Dorothy Carroll (Development and Peace and other parish organizations), Mary Eleanor Henley (Liturgy), and Lawrence Yi (Youth/Young Adults).

These members are delegated from the Parish Groups. Larry McLaughlin, Kathy Boyle were elected and have one more year. Florence O’Neill, after serving for two years has stepped down. We would like to thank her for her service.

We are asking for nominations for the one elected position. No one presently on the Council and no heads of organizations may be nominated. It is a 2-year term and the Parish Council meets approximately 5 times a year.

There will be two weeks for nominations and we will try to have the vote on May 27-28.