Online Euthanasia Survey

The government of Canada is seeking the opinions of its citizens in regards to a specific component of the Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) legislation, the eligibility requirements.
The questions in the survey do not ask whether or not euthanasia/assisted suicide should be expanded to include persons with disabilities; that instead is assumed. The only direct questions in the survey regard whether or not a person should be allowed euthanasia/assisted suicide by means of his or her own advance directives or whether the Government’s current “safeguards” are sufficient to prevent abuse, pressure, or other kinds of misuse of MAID once eligibility is broadened to people whose deaths are not reasonably foreseeable.
However, there is space within three sections of the survey for comments to be made, which could include, for example: expressions of concern about expanding access to euthanasia/assisted suicide because of pressures on or abuse of vulnerable persons (including minors, the depressed, the mentally ill, the disabled); the inadequacy of the so-called “safeguards”; advocacy for better and stronger safeguards; and the urgent need for viable options to MAID that would be possible through more adequate government funding and support for palliative care, home care, and hospices.
The survey can be found through the Diocesan website at
If you have any questions, please talk to Fr. Stephen. The survey closes on Monday, January 27. Please consider taking the time to complete the survey.