Happy Canada Day 2012

July 1 is celebrated as Canada’s birthday.

Canadians should seek to be witnesses to Christ in Canada and the world, and to continue working to influence those in government to act from Christian principles and attitudes.

Christians, realizing they do not have a lasting home here, should pray and work for justice and peace in Canada and throughout the world, so that all God’s people may share in the goods of this earth.

God’s kingdom will come only when all people are ready to let Christ’s teaching guide and rule their lives and actions. Families should be encouraged to mark this day by prayer for our country and its leaders, and by taking a few moments to give serious consideration to their responsibilities as citizens; they should consider what they are doing for peace in Canada and in the world.

With the many problems that are facing our country please remember to pray for our leaders that they may be guided true Christian values and principals. And give thanks for the gifts that come for living in such a blessed nation.