Goodbye Peter

Please join us this weekend August 8th and 9th, after every Mass, to bid farewell to our resident seminarian, Peter Lukow. Peter has been with us for the past one year plus and he has done a marvellous job in all facets of the parish life. Feel free to drop by also to chat with him on the front porch of the rectory before he leaves.
Thanks, Fr. Balonwu

To Fr. Balonwu Okpe and the community of Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish:

I want to take a moment to bid thank you and farewell to the entire parish community. While I will see many of you this weekend, I know that there are many more that I will not see. Words cannot express the gratitude that I have for this community in helping form me this year, but I am going to try anyway.

I have enjoyed my fifteen months here at St. Mary’s and have learned a great deal about myself and the priesthood. When a seminarian begins his internship year, the goal is for him to learn about parish ministry and what it means to be a priest. I can say with great certitude that this goal has been accomplished. While I still have much learning to do, I am grateful to the community for teaching me.

I learned from Fr. Balonwu and Fr. Stephen what a parish priest does and how to run a parish. I learned from the community what it means to be a parish priest. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I was able to learn just how much the people matter in the life of a priest. A priest needs his people just as much as the people need their priest. Moving forward from St. Mary’s, I will remember the many lessons that you have taught me, as well as the true feeling of belonging to this parish community.

To the parish staff and many volunteers, thank you for teaching me about joyful service. From you, I have learned just how important it is to have a good sense of humour as well as a humble spirit, whether serving in the office, liturgical ministry, or one of the many parish groups. It is in this spirit of joy and humility that I will strive to carry out my priestly ministry.

To the five ladies who were initiated into the fullness of the Church on July 22 and their sponsors, I want to thank you for allowing me to journey with you this past year during the RCIA process, and know that you are in my prayers. May the Holy Spirit continue to guide you as grow in your relationship with Christ.

To all the young people who have been preparing for the sacraments this year, I know that you are looking forward to your First Communion and Confirmation sometime in the near future. While I may not be there to share those important days with you, it was a joy to support you and your catechists. I will be praying for you on your special days.

To the staff and students of St. Dominic School, whom I had the distinct pleasure of ministering to this past year, I thank you for welcoming me into your classrooms and allowing me to share my faith as well as the little knowledge I have with you. I pray that we will all be able to meet again sometime soon. The time that I spent with you in the classroom and on the schoolyard has been a great blessing to me and I am grateful for each and every one of you. To the graduating class of 2020, I wish you well as you begin your high school career and pray that God continues to guide your footsteps.

Finally, I want to thank all of you for your time, generosity, and great faith. With these you have given me lasting memories and an increased desire to serve God’s people. You will be in my prayers.
