From the Pastor’s Desk

We are not used to the world around us reflecting human feelings and decisions. You may feel depressed and the sun still shines. Your spirits may be high even in an ice storm! But Christmas is different. Here the heavens and earth unite in proclaiming a human reality and a divine action. God is joined to Man. All creation reflects the miracle of the Divine Union. The rejoicing flows over into our relations with each other. We exchange gifts in a reflection of the great gift of God in giving us the Christ Child. We seek out the poor and needy in the awareness that God reached out to us as Emmanuel, “God-with us.” We come together to celebrate in small and large groups, family and friends and also most especially in the celebration of the Eucharist wherein we receive in the most definite way Jesus Himself, not as a memory but a reality in His Body and Blood.

Only a week later we join in proclaiming the Feast of Mary the Mother of God on January 1, a Holy Day of Obligation. This feast has a special significance for us here at St. Mary’s in our parish dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mother.
This time is when I try to say an all too brief thank you to the very, very many volunteers who work in so many ways, in organizations, committees and groups, within the liturgy and in outreach for our parish. Thank you most sincerely for all your selfless labour and willing service. There are hundreds who contribute their time and talent and it is deeply appreciated.
May you know all the blessings of the Christ child this season and always.

Fr. Tom Lynch for the Pastoral Team