Friends of Honduran Children

St Mary’s CWL and Knights of Columbus are hosting Quique Rodriguez, of Global Brigades in Honduras, at St Mary’s School on November 4th at 7:30 p.m. following the 7:00 p.m. mass.

Quique was left on Sister Maria Rosa’s doorstep when he was only 15 days old. She raised him in her orphanage and with her support and love he went on to become an accomplished musician, a lawyer and a paramedic.

Quique now uses his medical training as the executive director and co-founder of Global Medical Brigades in Honduras.

Come and hear him play the piano and tell about his life and the work being done in Honduras by the Friends of Honduran Children.

In October 2008, Lindsay sent it’s first FOHC medical brigade, made up of local nurses, doctors and other healthcare professionals to work in Nuevo Pariso, Honduras.