Easter Message

Maybe you have seen in the last few weeks one of the more startling sights in the skies. High up in the clear night you can see one of the brightest lights – Venus. Though known by many names one of its most ancient names is the Morning Star. Through the odd rules of astronomy, it never seems to set. The early Christians took this as a symbol of Christ himself.

Though we may feel that God is distant from us, Christ is never truly distant from us. During the Easter vigil when all the Church is still dark and we stand holding our candles lit from the Easter Candle, the priest sings the Exsultet (the Easter Proclamation). After going through the history of salvation it ends on the ringing certainty, “Christ that Morning Star who never sets, Christ your Son, who, coming back from death’s domain, has shed his peaceful light on humanity, and lives and reigns for ever.”

What is happening in your own life? What are you struggling with? Do you feel God has gone? The gift of the Tridiuum, the Great Three Days, walks us through that valley of darkness so that we can share in the Passion of the Lord and more fully know his Resurrection

May you and your families have a Blessed and Happy Easter. We will keep you in our prayers
In Christ, Fr. Tom, Fr. Theo