D & P News Week 13 – 2020

The Seringueiros: Protectors in peril
On reserves created by the Brazilian state, the seringueiros tap rubber trees and gather nuts and fruits for subsistence. But their lands are now coveted by powerful loggers, hunters, ranchers, soybean farmers, etc. They are facing increasing threats, intimidation and persecution. Despite these hardships, the seringueiros prefer remaining in place to tend their beloved forest.

Development and Peace’s partner, the Pastoral Land Commission (CPT), supports the seringueiros by documenting violations of their rights and by helping them legally contest the seizure of their lands.

“Those who want to help us should immediately come to see what is happening here so that we may keep the forest standing.” – Ederson Chaves Dias, seringueiro, Angelim Reserve, Machadinho d’Oeste Watch the seringueiros’ testimony at devp.org/campaign/seringueiros.

To find out more about Development & Peace in Lindsay please contact Dorothy Carroll at 705-324-7750

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Development and Peace (The Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace) is the official international development organization of the Catholic Church in Canada and the Canadian member of Caritas Internationalis. Development and Peace is a membership led organization supported by parish collections, individual donations and government grants, principally from the Canadian International Development Agency.

Our mission is to support partners in the Global South who promote alternatives to unfair social, political and economic structures, and educate the Canadian population about the causes of poverty and mobilize Canadians towards actions for change. In the struggle for human dignity, the organization forms alliances with northern and southern groups working for social change. It also supports women in their search for social and economic justice.