CWL News

catholic womens league lindsay
General Meeting
Calling all the ladies of the parish! Please join us on Thurs. March 17 – after the 7:00 pm evening Mass for our General Meeting.

Guest speaker – Adele Hopkins will speak of her work in Honduras and the Friends of Honduran Children. Please come out and learn more about this worthwhile group.

Retreat For Women – Date set is 2 April
Join the ladies of St. Mary’s CWL, Lindsay beginning with Mass in the church at 9 am followed by a retreat next door at St. Mary’s School, 18 St. Lawrence St.

A light lunch will be served and the retreat will end around 2 pm.

This free retreat on “Poverty” will be led by Fr. Stan Chu Ilo, Parish Priest Courtice, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Theology of the University of St. Michael’s College, and noted author.

Please call Marnie at 705-324-0225 or Suzanne at 705-878-2178 or Glenda at 705-340-5357 so that we will have sufficient printed material and food.