CWL Lindsay News Week 7 – 2020

Please remember to send in your nominations for our next executive. You can put them in the collection basket this month, in an envelope marked “CWL Nominations”. Be sure to mark your calendars for our Annual General (Soup and Bun Luncheon) meeting and elections which will be help on Sunday February 23rd after the 11 a.m. mass. Hope to see you there
CWL CONVENTIONS: (Celebrating 100 years)
Call Glenda at 705-340-5357 for information about our 2020 Catholic Women’s League conventions.

Peterborough Diocesan Convention will be held Sat. Apr 4 and Sun. Apr. 5 at St. Anne’s Church Hall in Peterborough. Come for it all or just for the banquet.

Ontario Provincial Convention will be held in Kitchener from Sat. Jul. 4 to Wed. Jul. 8.
100th National Convention will be held in Montreal from Sat. Aug. 8 to Wed. Aug. 12.

Recent entries from our CWL in the parish.

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The CWL is a National organization of women who give the voice of 80,000 women to issues of importance to the Catholic community. Member educate each other about issues that effect you today and in the future.

Local Activities include:
Retreats, Baskets Galore, Receptions fro Sacraments, Donations to partner agency .. Peace and Development, Baby Bottle Boomarang, Church restoration, Charities, School Busaries.

Your membership will keep this support active.

To learn more contact by email.