CWL Lindsay News Week 37 – 2020

To help support parents and their children returning to school, the CWL has handmade children sized masks in exchange for your donation. Mask sizes are available for children age 3-10 and are available at the back of the church after Sunday masses. Thank you.

On May 21st, Marion LeBlanc delivered 50 shields to each of our nursing homes: Extendicare, Frost Manor and Caressant Care.

School Awards were presented to our 3 elementary schools, St. Dominic, St. John Paul II, St. Mary’s and our high school, St. Thomas Aquinas.

The National Catholic Women’s League are celebrating their 100th Anniversary this year, they asked that each council plant a tree in honour of our organization. On Thursday August 20th we had a general meeting at St. Mary’s Cemetery which included a dedication ceremony in honour of National CWL’s 100th Anniversary, and we also planted a tree.

The CWL is holding a meeting after the 7 pm mass on Thursday September 17th. Fr. Innocent will lead us in the Installation of officers and then we will have discussions on where we can best help in our community. Please join us.

Recent entries from our CWL in the parish.

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The CWL is a National organization of women who give the voice of 80,000 women to issues of importance to the Catholic community. Member educate each other about issues that effect you today and in the future.

Local Activities include:
Retreats, Baskets Galore, Receptions fro Sacraments, Donations to partner agency .. Peace and Development, Baby Bottle Boomarang, Church restoration, Charities, School Busaries.

Your membership will keep this support active.

To learn more contact by email.