Dear Parishioners,
As we all know, the Masses and parish gatherings in the church are currently suspended during this pandemic. We are living “love of neighbor” by praying at home, staying at home, physically distancing, washing our hands, and connecting with each other virtually.
While gathering for Mass as a parish community is not possible, we have continued to celebrate Mass privately for the intentions of the faithful, and our parish is finding ways to continue connecting with and serving parishioners during this time.
There have been enquiries from parishioners about ways to support the parish without being physically present. This is a sensitive topic to address with so many uncertainties and a situation which is evolving so rapidly. Many parishioners may already be facing financial difficulties as a family, and the first priority must be to take care of the needs of family and loved ones.
Having acknowledged that, the parish still relies on the generosity of the faithful. For those parishioners continuing to donate, either by dropping off their donation or through pre-authorized payments (PAP), thank you! We are grateful for your financial support.
If someone is thinking of how to donate while maintaining the required social distancing, here are some suggestions:
1. Below is the link from our parish website to donate directly to the parish. The button is on the top right hand corner of the website .
2. Please consider setting up pre-authorized offering (PAP), by contacting the parish for a PAP form that can be emailed or posted to you.
3. You can also call and order your gift cards as usual. We will have it ready for you in an envelope for pick up, so that there will only be no contact at the door, just an exchange of envelopes.
4. You may also send a donation to the parish by regular mail or drop it off in the mail slot on the rectory side of the building.
The parish is grateful for any contribution you are able to make, recognizing that these are difficult times financially for many people.
Even more important at this time is your prayer for our parish community and our world, especially those who are suffering from illness, those who have died and frontline workers during this COVID-19 pandemic.
Let us continue to keep each other in prayer.
Many Blessings!!
Fr. Balonwu