“It was not you who chose Me, but I who chose you…” John 15:16
Youth Grade 7 and 8 please join us Tuesdays from 7-9pm to spend quiet time with Our Lord in prayer, learn about Him through engaging discussions, and find joy in His gift of friendship and fun. We will begin with our 2018 Kick-Off Event on Tuesday, Jan 23rd! Bring your friends and join us from 7-9pm for a night of friendly competition, prizes and fun! Bowling is a sport for people who have talent to spare.”
“Do good while you still have time.” St. John Bosco
Young adults in high school save the date for our upcoming outdoor excursion Feb 1st-2nd. Watch for further details to come!
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Stay connected with other Catholics in the area and to find out what Catholic youth events are coming up next in our parish community. Please register with this site at the Join Our Community link so that you can receive emails about up and coming events in our local Catholic Schools, Fleming College Catholics (FCC), and many other Catholic youth organizations! God bless and Welcome to Saint Mary’s!
Contact Us: Email: youth@stmaryslindsay.ca Youth Office Location: 40 Russell St. E, Lindsay, ON K9V 2A4 (Inside St. Mary’s Church Rectory) Phone Number: youth office (705) 324-4828
Other Weblinks: Diocese of Peterborough Youth Office webpage: http://www.veyopeterboro.org/veyo/