New Members are always welcome!
November 17th ORA ET LABORA For all Gr 9-12 Students 7-9 Pizza, talk on Transgenderism by Fr. Eric 8-9 Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Confession
November 22nd CHOSEN For all Gr 7 to 8 Students 7:00 pm MASS at Rectory Chapel. 7:30 pm -9:00 pm St Mary’s School Lesson 8 “How do I get there?” The Power and Purpose of the Sacraments.
November 23rd BOXING For young men Gr 7 to College age 7:00 MASS at Rectory Chapel. 7:30 -9:00 BOXING St Mary’s School Gym. Instructor is Richard Ovcharovich. Gloves provided. Bring gym clothes and shoes.
November 29th CHOSEN For all Gr 7 to 8 Students 7:00 pm MASS at Rectory Chapel. 7:30 pm -9:00 pm St Mary’s School Lesson 9 “When did my Journey Begin?” Baptism, Your Initiation into God’s Family.