CWL Update

catholic womens league lindsay

CWL Executive Meeting
There will a CWL Executive meeting on Feb. 5th at 10:00 am in the Parish Library

The CWL Annual General Meeting
This luncheon meeting has been postponed to Sun. Feb. 22 in order to accommodate the pancake breakfast the youth are sponsoring. The federal government now requires CWL and other organizations to make available, 21 days in advance, a copy of our annual financial statement to each member eligible to vote at our AGM. This means if your membership is paid with us, you are entitled to vote.

These statements will be forwarded electronically to each League member who has registered her email address with us. For those without email, copies will be available from League members at the main church entrance after mass on Jan. 31 and Feb. 1, or call Bonnie at 705-324-8072.