CWL News Update

catholic womens league lindsay

CWL Meet and Greet! – CWL members will be welcoming parishioners at the church doors next weekend. They wish to thank the parishioners for their support of CWL projects happening this year! Members are encouraged to participate wearing your pins and scarves!

Membership Renewal for 2018
– We are beginning our membership renewal campaign, membership fees are $25 per year. Envelopes are in your boxes and at the back of the church. Won’t you join us!

Our annual Memorial Service for Deceased CWL members will take place on Thursday Nov. 16 starting at 6:45 followed by Mass and a CWL General Meeting.

Save the Date – Our Christmas Luncheon is on Wednesday December 6 at the Lindsay Golf Club. The buffet luncheon is a full Christmas Dinner with all the trimmings. Tickets will be sold in advance for $25. We welcome guests; this is a great event to introduce ladies to the Catholic Women’s League.