CWL News Update

catholic womens league lindsay

I Can Make a Difference: Are you called to advocate for human rights and social justice? Add your voice/support to a national sisterhood of Catholic women who promote awareness and respond to political and social issues that affect all Canadians.
You can offer welcome and comfort to the vulnerable, the needy and the marginalized.
You can take an active role in the creation of resolutions that are presented to government annually on issues that impact families and communities at home and abroad. You can improve your organizational and leadership skills through CWL training and service possibilities.
Through the CWL you become part of/join the World Union of Catholic Women’s Organizations representing Catholic women and the church around the globe. CWL outreach supports many initiatives in developing countries.
Through your efforts, prayerful service and sharing your gifts, you can be blessed with grace-filled moments. As the prayer of St. Francis says, “for it is in giving that we receive.” Come, join us!