CWL News Update

catholic womens league lindsay

Save the date Our CWL annual general meeting will be on Sunday February 12 at noon at St. Mary’s School. We will welcome and present insignia pins to our new members (18 since June) and we have a special presentation about the Holy Land and Velma’s Dream. This is a potluck luncheon; all women of the parish are welcome.

Are you able to help with our Quilt Project for Palliative Care? If you would like to help with our quilt contact Anne at 705-324-7039 to find out about quilting times. It is an easy pattern and fun to do, no experience needed.
The Catholic Women’s League of Canada (CWL) is organizing again this year a time of Eucharistic Adoration called: “12 hours for the Lord” planned to take place throughout Canada on Thursday May 4, 2017. In conjunction with this initiative, the CWL wishes to distribute the attached petition addressed to the Parliament of Canada requesting that hospice palliative care be included as a defined medical service covered under the Canada Health Act.