CWL News Update

catholic womens league lindsay

Baskets Galore ~ There are tubs available at the two main entrances for your donations for our Baskets Galore baskets. Donations for the following themes would be much appreciated: sewing/craft, pet, cooking, gardening, bathroom, wine, new mom, movie night, games night, children, chocolate, international food, golf and car stuff. If you are donating a whole basket, please include a list of contents and donor’s name on the outside. All proceeds of the draws go to St. Mary’s Church. Members will be at the church entrances with tickets ($25) for the Baskets Galore Luncheon and basket draws, or call Glenda Klein at 705-340-5357 or Gail Vugts at 705-320-8162.

MEETINGS ~ The next executive meeting will be held on Thurs. Oct 2 at 1 pm in the K of C room.
The next general meeting will be a pot luck luncheon in St Mary’s School on October 18 at noon. Everyone is welcome. Bring your favourite dish and a friend.