CWL News Update

catholic womens league lindsay

CWL General Meeting at Pizza Hut on Thurs. Sept. 18 at 11 am.
There will be a demonstration on the use of a defibrillator at noon.
Buffet lunch or your choice from menu will follow.
New members are welcome.

CWL Baskets Galore
Our CWL members are busy preparing for our Baskets Galore Luncheon to be held on Sat. Nov. 8, 2014.
To purchase tickets at $25 each, call Anne G at 705-328-9884 or Marnie at 705-324-0225 soon — they go fast.
Last year many parishioners helped us immensely by donating filled baskets or articles for the baskets. It’s fun!
There are collection boxes at the church doors, where once again you will be able to donate items for baskets.
If you would like to donate a complete basket please call Marnie to arrange pick up.
Thanks you so much for your co-operation and God bless you.