CWL Lindsay Update

catholic womens league lindsay

June 1st Potluck Picnic at Memorial Park – Farewell to Gail & Joe Vugts at 5:00pm at Shelter #2; everyone welcome. Bring your favourite dish and some lawn chairs.

Our Lady of Fatima Retreat- St. Mary’s School, Saturday June 3rd, 9:30 -3pm after 9am Mass. Open to all men & women. Lunch is $5.00; contact Anne 705-324-7039 to confirm attendance as numbers are needed for lunch prep.

Communion Luncheon is on June 8th. Mass is at 11:00am in the K of C Hall, followed by buffet lunch and pin presentations at Pizza Hut. Lunch tickets are $15, and are available from Glenda 705-340-5357 or Gail 705-320-8162.