CL News Update

catholic womens league lindsay

The bus trip arranged by the CWL to the outlet mall raised $375.00.
Great fun was had by all and a cheque was given to the restoration fund in the amount of $375

The Assumption – St. John Evangelist C.W.L. is hosting a Twilight Retreat for all women on Wed. Nov. 20.
It will be held in the parish hall, 1834 Keene Road (south off highway #7) from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Sr. June Nash will be our facilitator and the topic will be Enriching Your Faith Life through Prayer.
Take time before the busyness of the Christmas season to renew your spirits and lift your hearts!
Light refreshments will be served. Come and join us. Bring a friend.

Won’t you join us for a turkey dinner?

Thurs. December 5 at noon at the Lindsay Golf & Country Club Games and prizes and fun! Cash bar opens at 11 am.

For tickets at $25, call Gail Vugts at (320-8162), Glenda Klein (340-5357) or Jane Antal (879-4146).


The Assumption – St. John Evangelist C.W.L. is hosting a Twilight Retreat for all women on Wed. Nov. 20. It will be held in the parish hall, 1834 Keene Road (south off highway #7) from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.  Sr. June Nash will be our facilitator and the topic will be Enriching Your Faith Life through Prayer.   Take time before the busyness of the Christmas season to renew your spirits and lift your hearts!   Light refreshments will be served. Come and join us.  Bring a friend.