Mass Intentions this week 26 October – 1 November 2015

at St. Mary’s Parish

denotes prayer intention for deceased member of our parish/family.

This Week’s Mass Schedule / Intentions

Monday 26 October
7:00 pm. Ana and Mark Zerdin / Stan Zerdin
Tuesday 27 October
7:00 pm. Marlene Keenan / Lorraine McDonald
Wednesday 28 October
7:00 pm. Judith Wakelin / Anthony Polito
Thursday 29 October
7:00 pm. Kate Kirley and family / Ross Burns
Friday 30 October
7:30 am. Gerald Demoe / Joe and Gail Vugts 40th Anniversary / Norma and Andrea
Saturday 31 October
9:00 am. Frederick Martin / Henny and Martin Kraan
Sunday Liturgies
Saturday 31 October
5:00 pm. Jacob Tamlin and Michael King / King Family
November 1 October
9:00 am. Robert and Sheila Jamieson / Family
11:00 am. Gertrude Jetten | 85th Birthday / Frank Jetten and family


Please prepare for the next weekend’s Masses and homilies by reading and reflecting on these passages from God’s holy word: